2 марта 2021 г.
LOCKO-Bank became one of the largest Russian banks in terms of assets, taking 45th line in the rating of the RIA Rating agency as of 01.01.2021. The bank has moved up 17 positions in the ranking from the 62nd line (as of 01.01.2020), the increase in assets in 2020 was 38.8%.
The rating presents data on 401 credit institutions of Russia, for which the statements are published on the website of the Central Bank of Russia. The methodology of the rating provides for the aggregation of data from balance sheets. According to the research results, the amount of assets for the year grew by 16.9% in nominal terms and by 12.5% in real terms. The 2020 asset growth rate in both nominal and real terms was the best since 2015. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the year 2020 was quite successful for the Russian banking sector in terms of dynamics. According to RIA Rating analysts, the dynamics of assets will be lower in 2021 due to the reduction of support measures. According to the experts of RIA Rating, the growth in assets this year could amount to about 6-9% in real terms.