10 октября 2012 г.

LOCKO-Bank strengthens its position among the largest banks on lending to SME segment

LOCKO-Bank continues to strengthen its positions in the rankings on lending to SME segment. Based on Expert-RA data in 1H 2012 LOCKO-Bank was No. 19 on SME loan portfolio size among the largest Russia’s banks with growth rate 12,91% since year start. The Bank also has moved one step up on the volume of loans disbursed to SME segment against the same period last year and now is No. 10. Evgeny Pomogalov, Deputy Head of SME Department of CB “LOCKO-Bank” (CJSC):

SME segment is one of our priority areas. We are in constant contact with entrepreneurs and try to account for their wishes and needs when we develop new products. We build long term partnership relations with our clients, which allow companies of various business segments get the most of co-operation with the Bank.

LOCKO-Bank launched SME lending program in 2004. Major advantages of Bank’s credit products are flexible approach to the borrower’s assessment, quick decision making process, high quality service at every stage of communication between the Bank and the client. In 2011 LOCKO-Bank was No. 10 among Russia’s banks on the volume of loans disbursed to SME segment (RBC.Rating).